Sunday, November 30, 2008

Academy News from Yasmine

We are very proud of the academy. Because of our fantastic instructors and students, it has quickly become the premeire fashion school in SL. Along with Mimmi and Lacey, Sami Kutanaga has been instrumental in creating that success. And to help us organize, stay on task & become even greater, I am naming Sami as Manager of the SuperElite Academy.
Congrats to Sami and my thanks to Mimmi and Lacey as we prepare for even more greatness from the academy this year.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Beauties and the Beast

Q. What happens when three photographers and one singer
meet in the Fashionista sim? A. One Helluva Party!
Check out some of the action here.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Congratulations x 2

One day / Two Announcements:

1) Yasmine Kidd announces the appointment of Rhi Rossini as PR Director for the SE Group. Rhi is a talented, experienced promotion and marketing professional who is committed to increasing the public's awareness of our agency, models and services. Join us in welcoming Rhi to her new position.

2) Rhi had a lot more to celebrate than a career move, she and SE Model Sami Kutanaga were married at a beautiful ceremony in an equally beautiful location designed and built by fellow SE Model and SL multi-tasker Wenadrenia Soderstrom. The sim was jammed with family and friends gathered to witness the joyous occasion.
We wish Sami and Rhi much love and happiness in the years ahead.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Save the Dates!

Two new fashion shows have been scheduled on Fashionista! Mark your calendars for December 4th and December 20th.
Watch this blog for more details.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Appointment Announcement

Yasmine Kidd, superELITE's CEO, has announced two new positions in her organization. Mimmi Boa has been appointed to the position of Head Model of superELITE Modeling Agency. Mimmi is also Head Instructor at superELITE Fashion Academy. Kylie Balogh assumes the position of Manager for superELITE group. Kylie will be involved in show coordination and promotion.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

SuperELITE Modeling Agency

SuperElite Models are invited to attend open auditions at 2pm and 6pm on Thursday, November 13th for the upcoming fashion show scheduled for December 20th.

The casting call will be held at the superELITE Fashion Academy on Fashionista Island.

SuperELITE Fashion Academy

You may have noticed, there is no shortage of models in Second Life. Unfortunately, most are unemployed and unknown. So, what does it take to get noticed, to stand out from the crowd, to get modeling jobs?

A key component in the success of the majority of SL's top models is their training. There must be substantially more than just a pretty face to make it in the rough 'n tumble world of fashion modeling. Professional model training can be the springboard to a successful career.

There are several well respected modeling schools in-world. However, SuperElite Modeling Agency founder Yasmine Kidd felt that the "one-size-fits-all" curriculum approach was not completely addressing the needs of all models and those who employ them. Unlike other modeling classes, SuperElite offers courses fine-tuned to different levels of experience:

The Beginner Class offers comprehensive courses to prepare you for your entrance in the modeling field. For the more experienced, the Advanced Class focuses on the expectations, needs and demands you face on the job, with emphasis on runway training. Finally, the Elite Class is a post-graduate advanced course, taught by Mimmi Boa, one of SL's most successful models. Mimmi takes her class deep into the nitty-gritty world of fashion and professional modeling. These sessions also feature workshops by leaders from the worlds of fashion, design, and related businesses. Also, unlike any other modeling course in SL, those who complete the Elite training are guaranteed a job by SuperElite.

The goal of the superis to teach every model to be the best they can be, from the complete noob to the most elite of the elite.

Beginner Class
LENGTH: Two hour long classes, a photoshoot & graduation exhibit
INSTRUCTOR: Lacey Blade & Sami Kutanaga
CURRICULUM:-Everything you ever wanted to know about adjusting your AV - Everything you ever wanted to know about adjusting clothes - Lessons on proper use of posestands, overrides and facelights. - Using clothes folders - Animated poses versus static - Photoshoot ettiquette
INCLUDED: Free photosession & poses
TUITION: $1,500L

Advanced Class
LENGTH: Four hour long classes and a Graduation Runway Show
CURRICULUM:-Using walks and walk overriders - Using Pose HUDS - Runway basics - Runway ettiquette- Runway mechanics - Matching poses to outfits - Developing a routine - Runway workshops and critiques - Fighting lag - Real runway show rehearsal
INSTRUCTOR: Sami Kutanaga & Lacey Bade
INCLUDED: Free pose hud, poses & walk overrider
TUITION: $3,500L

Elite Class
LENGTH: Six hourlong classes, a photoshoot and graduation Runway Show
INCLUDES: Free portfolio book, top in-world guest speakers and free photoshoot
CURRICULUM: Building a modeling portfolio - Interview preparation and technique - Styling tips with a trend on making your av as unique as possible - Photography lessons from top level photographer - The reigning Miss Universe discusses beauty contests - One of SL's most famous magazine editors discusses what it takes to be a cover model - Developing a fashion show routine - Standing out on the runway - Kicking Lag's ass - Final portfolio review
TUITION: $6,000L

Fashionista Island

Fashionista Island received a fabulous article in this month's UNCOVER magazine. Perhaps what I love best is that the people who created and run Fashionista are all mentioned. Hugs to all our friends who make Fashionista the wonderful place it is....and happy reading. click here to read the article.