Congrats to Estela Parx, SuperSearch's 2010 Miss Winter
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Name: Miaa Rebane
SL Rez Day: 2/27/2009
Nickname / Name you liked to be called: Miaa
Interests / Activities: in SL -- Shopping, Photoshop-ing, Fishing (thanks to Natasja Schuman for getting me into this :P ), and fashion blogging (for which I don't get much time now).. In short what every fashion-obsessed girl in SL likes :P
Your major influence(s) in Business: Kay Fairey & Sequoia Nightfire
Your major influence(s) in Life: Parents & Alan Cooper (Advocate of Interaction Design)
Best SL Experience(s): Winning Miss Virtual World 2010
Worst SL Experience(s): I guess being misinterpreted coz it's difficult to read emotions hiding behind an AV.
Favorite SL Hangout(s): Anywhere with friends.
Favorite SL Store(s): Zaara, Paper Couture, Kookie, !Ohmai, SMS, Milk Motion, Lelutka, Meghindo's, Nicky Ree, Alb Fashion, and a whole lot of Japanese stores.
Favorite SL Designer(s): Same as above. I especially like Japanese designers coz they make really high quality clothing for a reasonable price.
Congrats also to former Miss Virtual World 2008, Isabel Brocco (and Elite Class Instructor), one of the judges at the pageant.
And as she took her last walk as Miss Virtual World 2009, our Mimmi Boa, SuperElite's Head Model and Elite Class Instructor) got a standing ovation for over 5 minutes.
Congratulations Mimmi. I can't imagine anyone holding the crown with more style, grace or charity. For those of you who do not know, Mimmi used her crown to create the largest charity shows in SL. Thanks to her real children in Africa have real care they would not have had without her time and generosity.
You are an impossible act to follow Mimmi.
Natalia Corvale, Miss Canada
Melanie Sautereau, Miss Holland
Wenadrenia Soderstom, Miss Germany
Nemi McCoy, Miss India
Dancer Dallagio, Miss Ireland
Chirzaka Vladovic, Miss Latvia
Ivyana Szondi, Miss Nigeria
Sabine Blackburn, Miss Switzerland
Violette Weymann, Miss Turkey
Ella Quinsette, Miss UK
Janina Scarmon, Miss USA
We are so proud of all of you!