SE: Hello Phillip and thank you for agreeing to sit down with me to discuss you and your career as a Male model in SL.
Phillip Dollinger: Hello Tiara, I'm happy to meet you today and to answer to your question about the career of a Male model in SL
SE: What can you tell our readers about yourself and how you first heard of Second Life?
Phillip Dollinger: Well, I live in Paris, France, and I'm 29 years old in RL, and I heard the first time about SL at the end of 2006 by one of my friends, so I've been curious to know this world.
Phillip Dollinger: I've create my first avatar, the one I use all the time in fact
SE: What are some of your favorite aspects of SL?
Phillip Dollinger: to meet some different people, different cultures speaking different language, in fact SL is an easy way to meet people all around the world, to meet the creators, builders, interesting people, that's for me the best aspect of SL
SE: Can you tell us how you first become interested in the Fashion world within SL? And what drew you to want to model?
Phillip Dollinger: The fist time I saw a nice outfit from a great designer I though it was an amazing thing to create a so nice clothe on SL and that this world can permit so much of possibilities in the design, the choice of the fabrics. And about my choice to become a model, it was because I like the fashion world, to model, its sooo interesting and the people in this world are very friendly
SE: So you knew right away you would enjoy modeling, did you have anyone you would say was your inspiration a friend or mentor who you feel has helped you most up to now in your career?
Phillip Dollinger: I met at the beginning of my career some nice friends, as Olyvia and Ivyana, who helped me as instructors for the advanced runway classes, and of course all the staff at SuperElite who were so friendly, a great thanks to Sami and Yasmine
Phillip Dollinger: and of course at you Tiara
SE: Some share a belief that Men face different hurdles and less potential roadblocks in terms of becoming a successful and sought after Model in SL. Many point to the number of really good models overall as one possible reason. What are you feelings on this?
Phillip Dollinger: first it's a fact that we can find a lot of women as models and not so much of male models; it's certainly one of the reasons
Phillip Dollinger: but it's true that all the man models I met were very good, very professional, but as you know my experience of the fashion world in SL is new.
Phillip Dollinger: A model must be the best way for a designer to show their creations, and as models the men must show the best of the creations, as all the models, and they did.
SE: You say you’re relatively new to the Fashion scene but you've had some success, can you share with us some of your accomplishments to date? And what are you most proud of currently?
Phillip Dollinger: Well, I'm really proud to be now one of the [Alta Moda] model and I'll show the creations of this great designer with a lot of enthusiasm. And I've been the winner of the Kmadd contest for the best outfit a few weeks ago, that was great. Of course, I hope to become Model for some other designers very soon, I'll do my best for this.
SE: Congratulations, that is very impressive. You've certainly started off running and those are great honors.
Phillip Dollinger: Thanks Tiara, my deal is to become a good model and to live this passion for the fashion world of SL completely.

SE: What are now your short term and long term goals with regards to Fashion and your modeling?
Phillip Dollinger: My goals are to meet some designers that trust me enough for to give me the opportunity to show their creations in first. I'll make some contests and castings of course in the same time. And for the long term, to become a good model, very professional, hard working, and to make a lot of runways.
Phillip Dollinger: the JCNY contest will be the next one.
SE: Who are a few of your favorite designers?
Phillip Dollinger: I like a lot Redgrave, Argrace, Muism, and Leezu, for some, but I can't to name all here
Phillip Dollinger: some of the SL designers are some genious, really
SE: Lastly, when you aren't busy modeling or attending classes like the SE Elite level course with Mimmi Boa, what does Phillip like to do for fun in SL?
Phillip Dollinger: hehe, that's a good question. I like to go to shop as a lot of us, to see the new clothes, I'm a fashion victim, and for the rest of the time, I'm a builder too in SL
Phillip Dollinger: so a lot of things to do as you see, but the most part of my time is for modeling
SE: Phillip, on behalf of myself, the rest of the SuperELITE family and our readers, I would like to thank you for this chance to learn a bit more about you and wish you continued success, thank you!
Phillip Dollinger: thanks to you Tiara
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