Wednesday, June 24, 2009

SuperELITE Model of the Week: Cate Honi

Name: Cate Honi

SL Rez Day: 3-11-2009

Nickname / Name you liked to be called: Just Cate

Interests / Activities: Well it's modeling now, I'm still learning photography and building. And, of course going dancing whenever I can.

Your major influence(s) in Business: Wow, Several people made a huge difference even if they didn't know it, 1. Tiara Calvert, Wenadrenia Soderstrom, and Olyvia Zenovka...they helped me out when I was a new model in some many was, Tiara with my shape, Wena with her advice and Oly with a new skin that I desperately needed (just didn’t know it then).

2. Rhi Rossini. Lorelie Maggs, Nyasina Blessed, Nani Wrigglesworth, Ocean Miami, Wendi Randt and BlackBarbie Bravin for becoming my friends when I was new and need lots of help.3. Topaz Joubert and Sami Kutanaga, I wouldn’t have ever even tried to model if not for the them.4. Lola Baudin who gave me perspective and I miss her very much.

Your major influence(s) in Life: My parents, they told me I could be or do anything I wanted and I believed them. I wouldn't be where I am without them and my sister who seems to always seems screw things up but makes my life brighter

Best SL Experience(s): Dancing at Avalion with Lola and meeting a really cute guy. The other was my 1st real fashion show when I had to walk as single, it was the best SL adventure.

Worst SL Experience(s): Alt's...yes its a game but not suppose to be a mind game.

Favorite SL Hangout(s): Franks Place and Availon, dancing of course, and anywhere I can shop.

Why:I don't want to fall into the trap I see so many do and and not have fun.

Favorite SL Store(s): All of them :) but really its Opa's.

Why:Becasue, she named a dress after me and I feel very honored.

Favorite SL Designer(s): I don't like to have just one because I like to have different things and have fun and adventure.

Why: See favorite store!

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