Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Congratulations x 2

One day / Two Announcements:

1) Yasmine Kidd announces the appointment of Rhi Rossini as PR Director for the SE Group. Rhi is a talented, experienced promotion and marketing professional who is committed to increasing the public's awareness of our agency, models and services. Join us in welcoming Rhi to her new position.

2) Rhi had a lot more to celebrate than a career move, she and SE Model Sami Kutanaga were married at a beautiful ceremony in an equally beautiful location designed and built by fellow SE Model and SL multi-tasker Wenadrenia Soderstrom. The sim was jammed with family and friends gathered to witness the joyous occasion.
We wish Sami and Rhi much love and happiness in the years ahead.


Veronica Krasner said...

Congrats to you Ladies! :)

Rhi Rossini said...

It is an honor to be on this amazing team with my beautiful wife Sami, and my best friend Wena! Together, this team will do great things!

Yasmine Kidd said...

Congratulations to Rhi on her life and her work. :)