Monday, December 22, 2008

Apple May at Stylista Festival

As you know from the previous post and as you may know because you've been there, last Saturday the lovely SuperElite models Rhi Rossini, Wenadrenia Soderstrom, Aleida Rhode, Rena Mascot, Lorelei Maggs and Veronica Krasner presented Apple May designs in the awesome location of Patch Thibaud Auditorium, introduced by Krise Shepherd.

The event was organized to benefit Make-A-Wish Foundation at the Stylista Festival 2008. Apple donated her creations, models their experience and time, and I enjoyed the show on a comfy seat.

Lorelei Maggs wearing "Snowflake"

Rena Mascot wearing "CEO"

Aleida Rhode wearing "Wild Zebra"

Rhi Rossini wearing "Charming"

Lorelei Maggs wearing "Phoebe"

Rena Mascot wearing "Rampage"

The Stylista Festival is still going on, until 31st December.

Each day you can enjoy fashion shows, live musicians and you really can help with your donations, so don't forget to visit the Patch Thibaud Auditorium Lobby. You can contribute buying the creations donated by the best designers in SL.

See you there.

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