Sunday, August 16, 2009


As you know big and exciting things are underway here at SuperElite!

With so many plans and shows in development the time and opportunity for all of us to shine is now! If you are looking for a way to get more involved and show off your talents, WE WANT YOU! To help make SuperElite even more amazing then it already is.

The following are positions and skills needed now and all of them offer payment for the efforts you put into making YOUR agency the kind of place you want it to be. Other job listings will be made as our plans and goals are ever expanding, but here are FIVE very important positions that everyone needs to know exist.

PR DIRECTOR- The person responible for this will create Invites, work to get the SE name out there, Create events to help promote SE and help run them, work with bloggers and magazines to promote the SuperElite Agency.

CHIEF BUILDER - This individual will work with other builders and scripters to envision and construct set designs for Agency use.

MARKETING DIRECTOR - This individual will work directly with Designers to get shows and clothing from designers for use in agency shows.

HEAD OF THE BLOG - The person in this position will keep the Agency blogs up to date. Work with affiliate bloggers and photographers to ensure the blogs are ever interesting and timely. This could possibly be done in association with the PR position or the Editor in Chief (EIC).

EDITOR IN CHIEF OF NEW AGENCY MAGAZINE - Currently their are three (3) names in the running for his high profile and very creative position. If you think you have what it takes to run a fashion magazine on par with and exceeding the very best out there, now is the time to step forward. Don't delay on this one as a choice here will be made soon!

Contact RENA MASCOT to apply.

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