Sunday, October 4, 2009

Thoughts on our 1st Anniversary by Yasmine Kidd

Fashionista & SuperElite Founder, Yasmine Kidd

It’s hard to believe but exactly one year ago none of us had ever set foot on Fashionista Island.

SuperElite had never performed a show.

The academy had yet to graduate a single student.

There were no pictures in the museum.

And there were no shops open for business.

We’ve seen a lot here over the last year. So much has changed to make this the thriving hub of creativity that it’s become. And there are some people we must thank:

First and foremost, Delerium Hannibal and his wife Emma LaFollette
for their time and creativity in the build of this land. And for Gwen Carillon, who is making her mark on new projects today.

Thank you to Sami Kutanaga for starting the SE Academy. And Lorelei Maggs for improving and expanding it today.

We want to thank Lorelei once more, because she was the very first model of note to join the agency. Thank you for setting the standard, then and now.

We want to thank Lady Thera, Terra d’Ombra, Glance, MEB, Carabella Babii Photography, The Joy Movement & Andra Anatine for supporting us with their great designs and skills.
And pixivor Allen of A LA FOLIE for being the first to move here.

Thank you to friends like Frolic, Mystre, Anette, Carabella, Mercedes, Jules, White Tigres, Rayn, Carabella, Ima, Sandro, Krise, Ash, Dark, Bono, Nyla, Lacey, Isabel, & Mimmi Boa for supporting us, when we were nothing, and had no good reason to. That’s the very definition of generosity.

And thank you to all those who believed and supported us when we really needed you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.

We want to thank those who’ve led SE and helped managed the wonderful models here, starting from Kylie Balogh to Wenandrenia Soderstom. We’re grateful for their guidance, and especially for the remarkable leadership of Rena Mascot today.

And of course, we’re especially grateful to all the wonderful models who we are proud to call SuperElite.

Finally, our last thank you goes to Horris Fitzcarraldo. The crazy dreamer. The genie who grants other people their wishes and dreams. The calm, steady hand behind all of this. There are generous people in this world. And then there is Horris. There aren’t enough ways to say thank you to that man.

But that’s all the looking back we will do today. Today is really about looking ahead.

Where there were no stores, we are at capacity and growing.

Where we had no students, we know have hundreds of graduates, several of whom have opened their own agencies.

Where we started with one model, we are having a competition
to see who will be the next to join us.

So today, like always, we want to remind you that this is YOUR agency.

And this island is here to help you fulfill YOUR creativity.

So today isn’t about looking back at where we’ve been.

It’s about asking, where will YOU take all of us tomorrow.



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